Cold Water Installation

Step 1 – remove your existing toilet seat by unscrewing the 2 bolts near the hinges of the seat (Keep for reinstallation).

Step 2 – insert the S-1000 Bidet underneath the toilet seat. Bolt the toilet seat back in place. Make sure the bidet can function before tightening.


Step 3 – turn off water to the commode.


Step 4 – disconnect the 7/8 water line connected to the bottom of the commode water tank.


Step 5 – install the supplied (white plastic) T-fitting to the commode water tank. Reconnect the water line to the T-fitting. Make sure there is a rubber seal in all plumbing connections to ensure no leakage.


Step 6 – connect the supplied brass adapter and cap to the T-fitting. See picture.


Step 7 – Cut the supplied water line to the desired length and install. (The remainder hose will be used for the hot water installation)




Cold / Hot water installation


Step 1 – turn off hot water to the lavatory faucet.


Step 2 – disconnect the ½ in connection at the hot water side of the faucet.


Step 3 – install the supplied brass adapter to the bottom of the faucet. Reconnect the water supply to the new adapter. Make sure there is a rubber seal in all plumbing connections to ensure no leakage.


Step 4 – cut the supplied water hose to the desired length and install